We continue to run a telephone triage system in the morning and afternoon where patients can avail of a telephone consultation with a GP. If deemed clinically appropriate, a patient may be asked to come into the surgery for a face to face consultation with a GP.
The telephone slots for the GPs can be made by a patient via a telephone call to the reception staff or online for patients who have signed up for patient access.
For further information on patient access and the services available please contact reception. Please be advised that the system will only allow 1 booked appointment per patient. These can be booked daily for same day telephone slots, the GP will contact the patient at some stage during the working day.
Please note these are for telephone consultations only and not face to face appointments. These appointments are for routine problems only if you have a medical emergency please contact the practice via the telephone. Face to face appointments, if needed are arranged by the GP following a telephone consultation.
Patients can now book face to face appointments with a GP. Please contact reception to arrange.
Our receptionists are trained and very competent in signposting you to the right healthcare professional and to do so they will ask you a few standard questions.
Treatment room appointments are available, patients must contact reception to arrange an appointment to be seen.
If the practice has reached maximum safe capacity for that day patients will be advised to contact the phone first service. This service is for patients who have an injury or illness that require urgent treatment but it is not life threatening. Patients may receive telephone advise on self care, be directed to a scheduled appointment in the Urgent Care treatment room centre in Omagh or Emergency Dept in Altnagelvin Hospital or South West Acute Hospital